dinsdag 13 maart 2012

A BIG garden update

A BIG garden update today! I haven't posted for a while now, because last week was full of essays and exams. And after that was done with, I had to work through an unpleasant list of unread emails...

I did however, find time to work in our little garden. Nothing is more inspiring to me, than fresh air and the expectation of fresh fruits and veg. I can't imagine how I would ever succeed in writing an essay, without the peaceful moments of recollection in my little home-made orchard. As I am doing a course on Literature and Landscape right now, my reading and my garden work have reached a level of equality in my mind, which is most welcome. It is wonderful to be able to garden, and not feel guilty with regards to my study.

We finished the hole for the raspberries this week. In fact, not only did we finish the hole, we also filled it up with dirt - and with raspberry plants! The credit for most of the heavy work goes to my boyfriend L, who's done all the digging. :) We're growing them on trellis, because it creates more space and it should make picking easier.

Inside our house, the pepper plants are doing great. They sprouted in less than a week, which is really quick (it took several weeks last year). Both the sweet peppers (paprika's) and the hot peppers are growing fast.

Today, L and I sowed tomatoes and cucumbers. I'll post a list with varieties soon. But this is what it looks like: (of course, I hope the look soon changes... it would be a shame if they stayed that way ;) )

We've also worked on a hole to plant our two blueberry bushes. They needs acidic soil, which we have to buy at the garden centre. Looks like we'll have to make a few more trips:

That's all for now! I suddenly feel a need for a bicycle trip... to the garden centre. I'll hope to write more updates soon (no exams coming up just yet).

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